The 33rd EuroFinance International Treasury Management from October 2nd-4th, Copenhagen Denmark

Join the world’s most influential treasurers at the 33rd EuroFinance International Treasury Management from October 2nd-4th. This year’s theme is “Building intelligent treasury together. Collaborate with peers to explore the treasury of the future, where smart systems and teams connect to create data driven decisions that help manage dynamic markets, unlock liquidity and optimise cash Čítať viac…

EuroFinance Barcelona, 4 – 6 October 2017EuroFinance Barcelona, 4 – 6 October 2017

On 4 – 6 October 2017, the global treasury community will meet in Barcelona for the  most senior-level international treasury event in the world. SAF is endorsing this event. We are offering a special 25% discount to our members. Use code TAM/25 and save up to €1,648.75. Book by 28 July to save even more. Why attend? There is no other Čítať viac…

14. SAF conference: Corporate Financial Management 2016

Program expert governance by Jozef Makúch, National bank of Slovakia governor 25.10.2016 Tuesday, Grand opening, 18:00 CET – SAF Personal contribution in corporate finance area award 2016, – CECGA „The best annual report “award, – 20. Year’s anniversary of establishing SAF – co-workers awarding, – 20. Year’s anniversary of establishing SAF – FRAGILE musical performance, Čítať viac…

EuroFinance International Cash and Treasury ManagementEuroFinance International Cash and Treasury Management

Address:  Bella Center Center Boulevard 5 DK-2300, Copenhagen S Website: Event description The leading global treasury event.  Meet over 1,800 senior treasury and finance professionals from the world’s top companies, banks and service providers – all under one roof. What’s new for 2015? To thrive in today’s world, a company’s finance functions must be Čítať viac…

Corporate Financial Management – Conference 2014

12th SAF Conference under the patronage of National Bank governor Venue: Hotel Crowne Plaza, Bratislava 21.10.2014 18:00 – 21:00 Conference grand opening, SAF price award, banquet 22.10.2014 Conference day Registration of participants: from 8.30 to 9.00 Conference opening (9.00 – 9.15) • Andrej Révay, president SAF • Jiri Kunert, Chairman of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic Čítať viac…

International Cash and Treasury ManagementInternational Cash and Treasury Management

EuroFinance International Cash and Treasury Management 15 – 17 October 2014, Budapest, Hungary Click here to visit the website. The leading global treasury event that brings together around 2,000 senior professionals from the world’s top companies, banks and service providers. 25% discount for SAF members For more details contact quoting BUDAPEST/SAF. Programme highlights Plenary Čítať viac…

Jesenné semináre SAF na Zochovej chate

Odborný program 14.11.2013, 13.00 – 17.30: 1. Ako sa pre podnikateľské subjekty zmenia možnosti čerpania štrukturálnych fondov v novom programovacom období  2014 – 2020 – Daniel Pitoňák, NADMSP 2. Efektívna metodika a pomôcka pre ekonomické analýzy, reporting a plánovanie – Jaroslav Malach, GIDE 3. Ako a kde hľadať skrytý zisk vo svojej spoločnosti – súčasnosť a budúcnosť – Iveta Čítať viac…

Nová účtovná smernica EÚ

Dňa 22.10.2013 sa od 14.00 hod. konal v spolupráci s KPMG Slovensko, s.r.o. a Ekonomickou univerzitou seminár k novej účtovnej smernici EÚ a jej očakávaných dopadoch na slovenské účtovné prepisy. Lektorom bol známy odborník na túto problematiku a dlhoročný spolupracovník so SAF Ing. Richard Farkaš, partner KPMG. Účastníkom seminára boli rozdané detailné podklady k prezentácii. Čítať viac…